Friday, May 16, 2008

كتاب يستحق القراءة _ A book worths reading

هو كتاب رائع جدا كتبته: ميتني نورجارد
قدم الكتاب: ستفن كوفي
وهي عبارة عن مجموعة من قصص الكاتب
هانز كريستيان اندرسون الكلاسيكية
وتطبيقاتها في مكان العمل
نجد هذا الكتاب مترجما للعربية في مكتبة العبيكان
يحتوي الكتاب على هذه الحكايات

حكاية ملابس الإمراطور الصغير
(عندما نسعى إلى التوافق فإننا نتبنى أجندة الآخرين)

حكاية فرخ البط الدميم
(عندما ننصت إلى صوت الشغف بداخلنا فإننا نصل لطبيعة البجع في كل منا)

حكاية خنفس الروث
(عندما نريد المكانة نسعى لتطوير أنفسنا)

حكاية القزم عند البقال
(عندما نتخلى عن الوهم نعرف حقيقة أنفسنا)

حكاية شجرة التنوب
(عندما نشعر بالسخط، نتوق إلي ما ليس في أيدينا)

حكاية العندليب
(عندما نعشق، نحيا الحياة بحق)

في نهاية كل حكاية تستعرض الكاتبه التطبيقات التى يمكن تطبيقها أو مناقشتها
في مكان العمل للوصول الى مناخ عملي صحي و منتج قدر الإمكان

The Ugly Duckling Goes to Work:
Wisdom for the Workplace from the Classic
By Mette Norgaard

Most professionals push themselves relentlessly to become more successful. But rarely do they find the time to slow down, reflect, and connect to what it is that makes work exciting and meaningful for them. The Ugly Duckling Goes to work draws on Hans Christian Andersen's classic stories to help people become more authentic and alive in their work--in short, to have a genuine work life. Timed to coincide with the global celebration of Andersen's 200th birthday, this charming and incisive book presents new translations of classic fairy tales, and examines the themes and folk wisdom that can be applied to today's workplace. "The Emperor's New Clothes" cautions what can happen when fitting in is taken too far; while "The Ugly Duckling" describes the beauty of finding the company of "fellow swans" and working with people who bring out the best in ourselves. Lighthearted yet practical, The Ugly Duckling Goes to Work helps readers think about their professional lives in a way that will bring greater purpose to their busy work lives.

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Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
I have nothing specific to say, people are not interested anymore in what others say, but most likely interested in what others DO or DON'T DO! I'm simply HUMAN. not afraid of admitting my mistakes and I am beyond doubt disposed to work on my flaws. BTY! I'm painfully straightforward (Rude) sometimes, but eventually you would know I was right. Can't change that! Am a Scorpio after all! I have a favorite quote which I go by: I walk the way I talk. My friends know that my TOP favorite quotes are: 1. MIND MAP! 2. Welcome to Saudi Arabia. and they sure know what I mean! I worked as a teacher, a supervisor and now I'm a curriculum developer in the MOE. I have 3 kids and they are my life time investment.

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