Friday, May 16, 2008

كتاب يستحق القراءة _ A book worths reading

هو كتاب رائع جدا كتبته: ميتني نورجارد
قدم الكتاب: ستفن كوفي
وهي عبارة عن مجموعة من قصص الكاتب
هانز كريستيان اندرسون الكلاسيكية
وتطبيقاتها في مكان العمل
نجد هذا الكتاب مترجما للعربية في مكتبة العبيكان
يحتوي الكتاب على هذه الحكايات

حكاية ملابس الإمراطور الصغير
(عندما نسعى إلى التوافق فإننا نتبنى أجندة الآخرين)

حكاية فرخ البط الدميم
(عندما ننصت إلى صوت الشغف بداخلنا فإننا نصل لطبيعة البجع في كل منا)

حكاية خنفس الروث
(عندما نريد المكانة نسعى لتطوير أنفسنا)

حكاية القزم عند البقال
(عندما نتخلى عن الوهم نعرف حقيقة أنفسنا)

حكاية شجرة التنوب
(عندما نشعر بالسخط، نتوق إلي ما ليس في أيدينا)

حكاية العندليب
(عندما نعشق، نحيا الحياة بحق)

في نهاية كل حكاية تستعرض الكاتبه التطبيقات التى يمكن تطبيقها أو مناقشتها
في مكان العمل للوصول الى مناخ عملي صحي و منتج قدر الإمكان

The Ugly Duckling Goes to Work:
Wisdom for the Workplace from the Classic
By Mette Norgaard

Most professionals push themselves relentlessly to become more successful. But rarely do they find the time to slow down, reflect, and connect to what it is that makes work exciting and meaningful for them. The Ugly Duckling Goes to work draws on Hans Christian Andersen's classic stories to help people become more authentic and alive in their work--in short, to have a genuine work life. Timed to coincide with the global celebration of Andersen's 200th birthday, this charming and incisive book presents new translations of classic fairy tales, and examines the themes and folk wisdom that can be applied to today's workplace. "The Emperor's New Clothes" cautions what can happen when fitting in is taken too far; while "The Ugly Duckling" describes the beauty of finding the company of "fellow swans" and working with people who bring out the best in ourselves. Lighthearted yet practical, The Ugly Duckling Goes to Work helps readers think about their professional lives in a way that will bring greater purpose to their busy work lives.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

الشعر الأندلسي

من أجمل الشعر الأندلسي

جائت معذبتي في غيهب الغسق
كأنها الكوكب الدري في الأفق
فقلت نورتني يا خير زائرة
أما خشيتي من الحراس في الطرق؟
فجاوبتني ودمع العين يسبقها
من يركب البحر لا يخشى من الغرق

Monday, May 12, 2008

What a DAY!!

Yeah! Yeah! Its been one of those days, alright!

Friday, May 9, 2008

I like the idea of the quote!

How about you?


What a Strange Wave Break!


Hello everyone,
EVERYTHING on my laptop was lost yeasterday night! Thank God! :)
I had all important files, photos, ... etc, saved on a removable hard disk
and CDs. Please, make sure you keep your precious files saved else where
other than your PC or LT. They are NOT to be trusted.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fly into a good mood!

Have you heard the expression 'fly into a rage?' Have you heard the expression 'fly into a good mood?'
I suppose you haven't. But have you ever felt a bit down and someone or something reminds you of an time when you were very happy, amused or successful in something? And quite suddenly, you no longer feel down, but you are laughing, excited or full of optimism? Have you ever been in the middle of a row when the telephone rings, and you find yourself flying into a good mood and speaking to the other person as if nothing had happened? You may never have heard the expression, 'fly into a good mood', but everyone has had this experience of within seconds getting into a different state, or witnessed others doing so.

We can use this fact in several ways. One way you can fly into a good mood is to use this simple technique:

When you appear to have a problem, ask:
'Suppose this problem were solved, how would things be?'
What would you see? See them now in your mind's eye.
What would you feel? Feel those feelings now!
What sounds would you hear? Hear them now!
When you are thinking that your problem is solved, and you are experiencing what you would experience when your problem is solved, how can you feel other than good?

An even quicker approach is to ask:
'How would I look if this problem were solved?' (Like the cat that got the cream, I suppose!)
So when events are less than optimal, fly into a good mood. You can handle things better in this state!
Why not share your comments and opinions with the rest of us. If you have any ideas, why not share them too?

TO read more articles go to:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Using mind maps to develop students writing,

To read about how can mind maps help develop your students writing,
please go to the following link:
You will find more. Have fun.
A kid with a different Mind Map :)
cartoon from:

What is mind mapping?

What is Mind Mapping?
Mind Mapping is a way of creating pictures that show ideas in the same way that they are represented in your brain.

Your brain uses words, pictures, numbers, logic, rhythm, color and spacial awareness to build up unique pictures of information. The ideas are linked together in a way that makes it easy to understand and remember.

Mind Maps use exactly the same types of things to show the ideas and link them together. This
is what makes Mind Mapping so powerful.

You start with a central topic that you are going to be examining, and add branches radiating from the center, and then sub-branches as required to represent your ideas.

You create your Mind Maps in a natural way by using your own words and connections that make sense to you. It is best to stick to one or two keywords on the branches and use the branches to show the connections between the ideas.

How can I use mind mapping?
You can use Mind Maps for every part of your life where you need to:

* think more clearly,
* plan or organise things,
* solve problems,
* make decisions,
* remember things,
* do school and university assignments,
* come up with new ideas (using brainstorming),
* or give presentations.

What if I can't break down my idea into a single keyword?

This is a common issue when people are not used to Mind Mapping.

After having worked with Mind Mapping for many years, we have come to the conclusion that there are some times where you do want to have phrases and sentences on branches rather than just words. This is the exception rather than the rule though.

Try putting just one or two words on each branch and see how you go. It will force you to think carefully about the main ideas. In some cases, a paragraph may convert into one main keyword and several sub-branches with a keyword on each.

This really does open up thinking about the core meaning of the topic and the association of the refinements and explanations to the main topic.

Many people find the transition to this way of thinking difficult at first, but now they say they will never go back.

In Mind Mapping, there is no "right" or "wrong" way to organize your Mind Map, so don't be scared to try things out and find what works best for you.

Meet the guy who wrote Blink

Malcolm Gladwell

1. What is "Blink" about?
It's a book about rapid cognition, about the kind of thinking that happens in a blink of an eye. When you meet someone for the first time, or walk into a house you are thinking of buying, or read the first few sentences of a book, your mind takes about two seconds to jump to a series of conclusions. Well, "Blink" is a book about those two seconds, because I think those instant conclusions that we reach are really powerful and really important and, occasionally, really good.
You could also say that it's a book about intuition, except that I don't like that word. In fact it never appears in "Blink." Intuition strikes me as a concept we use to describe emotional reactions, gut feelings--thoughts and impressions that don't seem entirely rational. But I think that what goes on in that first two seconds is perfectly rational. It's thinking--its just thinking that moves a little faster and operates a little more mysteriously than the kind of deliberate, conscious decision-making that we usually associate with "thinking." In "Blink" I'm trying to understand those two seconds. What is going on inside our heads when we engage in rapid cognition? When are snap judgments good and when are they not? What kinds of things can we do to make our powers of rapid cognition better?

To read all the questions go to:

Monday, May 5, 2008

Hanan's Mind Map.

Its simply a place where I can come and say things the way I see them according to my own Mind Map, nothing more and nothing less.It could be informative or silly. It could make sense to you or not. You may agree or not. You may want to come again or not. Its all possible!You see it all depends on the way you look at it according to your own Mind Map. :)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

One of the BEST movies ever!
The Bucket List
Really worth watching!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Its my first time as a blogger!

Hello everyone,

Its my first day here. I'll be back with more to say. I have created this blog to practice what I was learning on my online ICT course. Great experience and a sure NEW way of learning, it sure is to me!

Glad You Are Here!

Myspace Calendars at


Powerful, Independent, Strong, and Probing.

About Me

My photo
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
I have nothing specific to say, people are not interested anymore in what others say, but most likely interested in what others DO or DON'T DO! I'm simply HUMAN. not afraid of admitting my mistakes and I am beyond doubt disposed to work on my flaws. BTY! I'm painfully straightforward (Rude) sometimes, but eventually you would know I was right. Can't change that! Am a Scorpio after all! I have a favorite quote which I go by: I walk the way I talk. My friends know that my TOP favorite quotes are: 1. MIND MAP! 2. Welcome to Saudi Arabia. and they sure know what I mean! I worked as a teacher, a supervisor and now I'm a curriculum developer in the MOE. I have 3 kids and they are my life time investment.

Myspace Clocks at